Shaiya Blood
Server has thousands and thousands of players, loads of PvP all day long.
No Leveling, No Farming , Full PvP Server
Free Episode 5.3 serverFree Items Episode 6 Free in Item MailFree Weapons Ep5 at Merchants NPCA lot of Armors FREE with same Power for PvP at Merchants NPCUsually Kill Count x10 (Another at Events)Exploits patchedDuping fixedNew custom lapisInstant leveling system.ALL lapis link at 50% chance, or even more99.9% enchant rate.Working ep5 skills but modified.(+1Skill for Each Level DayFly and Etain Shield Removed)GRB 9pm GMT Satudays(+2GMT/Bucharest Praga)Oblivion Insula(OI): Only Thursday at 22:00 GMT OPENNo Debuff lapisRegular events, both planned and unplanned.Balance between donators and non-donators.NO NAKED PVP WITHOUT GMS!Check Us and you will be experience best PvP from last time.