Serpent L2
Gracia Final | Rates 5x | Nothing Custom | SubClass | Olympiad | Wedding | Augments | Agitations | Dynasty, Vesper, Belts | Working Hellbound & Gracia Final Area
* XP: 5x | SP: 5x | Adena: 5x | Drop/Spoil: 5x | Quest Drop: 3x | Quest Reward: 5x | Raid: 1x
* Retail buff times
* No Class Change NPC (Class quests must be completed)
* No GM Shop
* No NPC Buffer
* Working Hellbound Area
* Working Gracia Final Area;
-> Airship Working
-> All NPCs placed (not all working 100% yet)
* AntiBot Protection/Detection System
* Safe, Weapons +3 (66%), Armor +4 (66%)
* Augmentation Working
* Olympiad Games
* Seven Signs
* Wedding
* Fantasy Island Show Working (Elven Singer)
* Dark Cloud Manor Instance working
* Kamaloka Instances
* Fortress Sieges 80% Working
* S80 (Dynasty) & S84 (Vesper) Gear (Must be crafted)
* Several level 81+ skills working
* Pet Evolve system working
* Accurate Geodata location system
* Several mob spawn fixes
* Daily updates/fixes
* Clan Tags displayed on NPCs when Castle is taken (same as retail)
* Offline Trading
* Offline Crafting
* 10 Second Player Spawn Protection
* Capes working and visible on characters
* New emote "Shyness" working
* 1000Mbit Dedicated Connection
* 98% Uptime rating on Hopzone