Perfect Level 60 Farming Spot
This is a pretty lucrative Diablo 3 farming spot.
When you get to Inferno you will notice very quickly that soloing has become a thing of the past and by the time you hit act 2 Inferno you are ready to give up. So what is the best place to solo farm at the highest levels. You will find that solo farming in act 2 is next to impossible without godly gear. However, we have found that the best place to rake in quick rares and lots of blues is to farm the end of act 1, specifically the “Cursed Hold”.
First, you will need to go to the 9th quest in act 1 and select the “The Cursed Hold” section of the quest:
Then use the Waypoint to go to the Halls of Agony level 2:
Fight your way through until you find the exit to the Highlands Passage:
Fight your way across the bridge and to the Cursed Hold entrance:
Get the quest to release the prisoners and fight your way around the Cursed Hold freeing the prisoners and killing the champ packs:
Finally kill the warden in the center of the Cursed Hold. By the end you should have killed around 5 champ packs in total so you will have 5 valor by the time you beat the warden. You should normally get about 6 to 8 rares and a ton of blues and gold:
That’s about it, just go sell your rares on the auction house and repeat the run.