Possible Perm Unruned Akarats on crusader.
Shameless copy/paste to those who care to test it (I wont be on my account for a few days)
Pretty funny; my damage should be about 850k. Also gives a shitton of bonus armour for some reason, even though the skill doesn't state it - my thoughness should be half of what's listed. Nothing in my gear could cause this, I think.
Here's my armoury, only thing that's changed in the screenshot is Depth Diggers instead of the yellow pants, but the bug had started 2 rifts before I gambled them from Kadala.
EDIT: Here you can see the debuff icon (obfuscated by the character panel in the top link). It won't go away.
I have a theory how to replicate this but can't test it right now. Basically it involves the debuff from Akarat's Champion rez expiring the exact moment rift closes and you get that weird forced resync. Should be doable with brawling."
He said the effect only wore off after leaving a game. Please post back with findings.